
Monday, March 19, 2012

Start at begining, I hear it's a good place to start.

Almost 6 years ago I married my amazing husband. I know everyone always says that their man is the best husband in the world but mine really is, I swear it's true... really! NO REALLY! I wouldn't trade him for anything.

To prove my case I introduce "exhibit 1": *Scooby.

I met Scooby a few months before his second birthday. A year and a half later I became his step-mom. Although Scooby's parents have joint custody, my husband, his father, is his custodial parent, and in our case we have Scooby at our house 80% of the time if not more. He visits his other mom every other weekend and one evening a week. This all depends though if she feels up to it or if she has a car at the time. To make a really long story short, at the moment, he sees her for half of her every other weekend usually. This is all fine with me but it does put us in an unique situation. When we got married, I immediately became a mom caring for a three year old all day almost everyday. It's been said that being a step mom is NOT for the faint of heart. I may have been the one to say that.

"exhibit 2": *Squeaker and *Goose

Five months after we got married, I became pregnant. Not necessarily unintentionally but just like any body, I really had no idea what I was getting myself into. Kiddos are a ton of work! Squeaker was such a good baby and still is a good little girl but very emotional. When she was 6 months old, I found out that I was pregnant again.This one was a bit more unintentional. Goose was also a great baby (I've been very lucky that way.) and is the funniest little girl.  The biggest problem was that my babies were only fifteen months apart. Sure, sure some people will say, "oh yeah, mine are only eleven months apart." or " well I have twins/triplets..." What I have to say to those ladies... Good on you for not being in a mental hospital cause I've almost got there myself.

My point is that, for me, being a mom was way harder that having two jobs working 60 hours a week, I did that. Being a step-mom has been the single most trying thing I have ever done and he is only 8. I try not to think about his teenage years. I have a journal that I put all my "mom stuff" in. I usually look back at it and break down into fits of giggles or want to cry with pitty for myself. Either way, writing it down seems to help me so that's what I'm doing now... I'm writing it down. Maybe someone else can giggle with me.

*I'm not using their real names. Did you notice. :)


  1. I'm so glad you're writing it down! I've always admired your strength and unconditional love. You are an amazing mom! Much Love!!!

  2. Sweet blog!! I need to keep a mom journal too. It would help me process all the crazy mom stuff that happens. You are a GREAT mom to Scooby!! He is very lucky!
